Animal Trait Correlation Database
The Animal CorrDB Release
Apr 29, 2018


Release 3
(Apr 29, 2018): A sum of 7,541 new correlations [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 4,823 (on 161 traits); Chicken: 421 (on 42 traits); Pig: 1,217 (on 84 traits); Sheep: 1,080 (on 38 traits)] and a sum of 1,015 heritability data [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 706 (on 188 traits); Chicken: 75 (on 43 traits); Pig: 177 (on 63 traits); Sheep: 57 (on 40 traits)] have been curated into the CorrDB.
( This is a joint release with the 35th QTLdb release)

Database developments: (1) Curator tools improvements and debugs continued. (2) Special Note In order to maintain a high standard for data integrity and for better quality controls, a total of 3,628 historic correlation data were taken offline and re-entered into the database with data integrity check mechanisms newly built into the curator tools.. Even with this reduction, the total number of data records still increased by 3,913 from the last release, representing a 87% net data increase in the database.

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