Animal Trait Correlation Database
The Animal CorrDB Release
Dec 26, 2020


Release 11
(Dec 26, 2020): A sum of 645 new correlations [Breakdown by species -- Pig: 307 (5 new traits); Cattle: 301 (11 new traits); Sheep: 37 (9 new traits); ] and a sum of 488 new heritability data [Breakdown by species -- Pig: 315 (27 new traits); Cattle: 147 (19 new traits); Sheep: 26 (15 new traits); ] have been curated into the CorrDB. To date, the total number of correlation data in the database: 21,036 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 11,277; Chicken: 1,247; Horse: 209; Pig: 6,735; Sheep: 1,568], and total heritability data: 4,319 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 1,881; Chicken: 287; Horse: 118; Pig: 1,845; Sheep: 188], curated from 348 publications.
( This is a joint release with the 43rd QTLdb release)

Database developments: (1) Goat CorrDB: Groundwork has been laid by preparing the goat trait management space and other required information in order to allow the curations of published heritability data into the databases. (2) New dbxref data link services were added to allow external URL links to specific correlation data across species. Such links are often used by web services, API tools, or database xref pointers. See FAQ for details. (3) Frequently asked questions updated with the additions of new items, updates to existing items, and corrections to several items.

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