Curators/Editors: Your Starting Point

Registered Curator
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The Animal QTLdb is open to the public for new data entry and existing data updates. One needs to register for a curator account in order to contribute. Being a curator, you will be able to

  • have access to editing your own data
  • keep your data private or release to the public
  • take advantage of the QTLdb tool to examine your data against other public data in a private mode
  • while keeping your data in private mode but you can grant a privileged access to your data, which may be useful in the process of your manuscript review

Apply for a curator account
to enter your data
NOTES: All fields are required
PI = "Principal Investigator"
Your application is subject to approval. Please provide complete information so that we can verify you as a valid applicant
First name:
Last name:
Your institute:
Your email:
Your phone number:
Name of the PI:
PI's email:
PI's position:
PI's phone:
State your purpose:

The curator's job is relatively straight forward. The curator tools are designed to be intuitively easy to follow. We provide a Curator Manual as a step by step guide for what's involved in the curation process.

All released QTLdb data are automatically populated to

Registered curators:
Species Registered curators Contributing curators
catfish 1
cattle 1 7
chicken 1 6
goat 1 3
horse 1 4
pig 1 12
rainbow trout 1 4
sheep 1 7

Contributions by released data counts:
Contributors Contributions
Animal QTLdb Team29631699.523%
Non-QTLdb team volunteers14200.477%



© 2003-2024: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team