ATO-COB Project Mail Archives

ATO development group working channels

From: Zhiliang Hu <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 21:46:26 CDT

Hi all,

We recently upgraded Postgres and setup the Pig Trait ontology
fresh. Jie is in a process to port into the db a Cattle Trait
Ontology (my 87 traits list). I think it is a good timing to remind
you the ways to access the ATO database and the new developers web site.

I. Access to ATO database with ATO Editor (recently named "COB Editor"):

1. Launch your ATO Editor (suppose you know where to download it ;-)
2. From the pull down menu, select:
    "Settings" -> "Choose Ontology"
3. In the pop-up window called "Ontology Server Setting",
    change the server connection configuations as follows:

Ontology List: Animal Trait Ontology
Database Name: Animal Trait Ontology
Database Type: POSTGRE
DB Machine URL: jdbc:postgresql://
JDBC Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
       User ID: ato
       Password: ato123
       [NOTE: this is the software access to ATO db password]

4. Click "Test Connections". This should give you a pop-up message
    saying "connectiable". Now close the "Ontology Server Setting"
    window by clicking the upper right "X" symbol.

5. A pop-up window shall ask: "Upload ontology?" Click "Yes".
6. Now a pop-up window called "User setting" asks you to provide
    user/login information.
    - For the first time users, click the "Register" button to register
    - For the registered users, fill in your login/passwd to proceed.
    [NOTE: this is the ATO developers password controlling ATO
packages privileges]

II. ATO/COB developers web site:

This web site is password protected:, which is
linked from the "developer" button on the public project page
( Your login is
your last name, and password is your first name, all in small letters.

The content is self explanary. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Received on Tue Jun 13 21:46:18 2006

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