ATO-COB Project Mail Archives

Re: Developing ontologies in OWL: An observational study

From: Zhiliang Hu <>
Date: Sat Nov 11 2006 - 15:57:37 CST

Jie - Thanks for keeping to forward these info.! Ontology web tools
is a rapidly evolving area. Perhaps you want to consider a seminar
on a brief review of available tools, their advantages and short
comings, etc.? (preferably at a time when I am in town ;-)

At 12:45 PM 11/11/2006, Jie Bao wrote:
>Martin Dzbor, Enrico Motta, Carlos Buil, Jose Manuel Gomez, Olaf
>Goerlitz and Holger Lewen. Developing ontologies in OWL: An
>observational study
>A very good practical survey on user-friendliness of ontology editors
>and developing process.
>Jie Bao
Received on Sat Nov 11 15:57:21 2006

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