- Atipa 8-node cluster, each with Dual AMD Opteron 250 (2.2GHz) processor
- OS: CentOS (Linux) Cluster by Atipa Technologies
- One (1) head node (for distribution of parallel jobs and managing the cluster);
- Six (6) compute nodes, each with 8 GB RAM and 320 GB HD.
- One (1) large compute node with 16 GB RAM and 320 GB HD.
- Storage:
4 x 320GB in raid-5 (1.1TB useable; 2007-2010, retired)
23 x 2TB in raid-6 (36TB usable; 2010 upgrade).
- Host: By the Iowa State Univeristy Durham Computation Service Center.
A hosting stuff is on duty 24/7.
- Three (3) out of six (6) compute nodes went bad in the course of 3 years (2012-14).
- The 36TB disk raid experienced a degradation damage in the fall 2015
- Subsequently (Dec. 2015 - Feb. 2016) the unit was re-configured into a single unit 33TB storage server, moved from its own racket into the ISU shared standard blade rackes. As part of the re-configuration, 1 large compute node was contributed to ISU HPC system in exchange for some computing access; 3 smaller nodes were retired.
An ad hoc list of software package installed:
- CAP3
- Exonerate
- GenScan
- miranda
- mpiBlast (parallel)
- MySQL server
- NCBI Blast suite
- Postgres server
- WU-blast suite
| |
- ASReml3 (node007)
- maqview
- PaCE
- wgs
- bowtie
- bwa
- cistematic
- mm9splices
- samtools
Nodes Monitor
For each of these software listed on the left, users will have to obtain respect users
permissions/ license where it applies. |