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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Sep 10 14:18:40 2024
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From: "Dekkers, Jack C [AN S]" <jdekkersiastate.edu>
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To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: scientific symposium in honor of Dr. Sue Lamont on
        her retirement
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:18:41 -0500
To all who may be interested:

After over 40 years of service to Iowa State University and her Profession,
Dr. Sue Lamont recently retired as C.F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of
Poultry and Immunogenetics. To honor her illustrious career, we are
organizing a scientific symposium in her honor on Oct 6-7, 2024:

When the Chickens Come Home to Roost: A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Sue Lamont

Speakers will be former students, postdocs, and collaborators, focusing on
the exciting science that they are/have been doing since leaving ‘the nest’
or during their collaborations with Dr. Lamont.

The program is as follows. All functions will be held at the Gateway
Convention Center in Ames, Iowa.

Sunday Oct 6

  7:30 PM  Reception – Requires Sunday registration

Monday Oct 7

  8:00 AM  Breakfast – Requires registration for symposium
  8:45 AM  Welcome
  9:00 AM  Huaijun Zhou, University of California, Davis: Integrative
           genomics, epigenomics, and machine learning in advancing genetic
           improvement of complex traits in farm animals.
  9:30 AM  Melissa Monson, USDA-NADC: Connecting turkey immune responses to
           food safety and intervention strategies against Salmonella
 10:00 AM  Break
 10:30 AM  Angelica van Goor, USDA-NIFA: Perspectives on the future of animal
           genetics and genomics research and the role of the academic and
           public sectors
 11:00 AM  Derrick Coble, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
           University: Effects of managing Berkshire pigs in alternative
           production systems on circulating blood profiles
 11:30 AM  Joseph Deeb, STgenetics: From chicken to cow: a genomic tale
 12:00 PM  Lunch – Requires registration for symposium
  1:30 PM  Dawn Koltes, Iowa State University: Gobbling up new opportunities
           for egg-cellent novel phenotypes at the ISU poultry farm
  2:00 PM  Petek Settar, Kaylee Rowland, Ania Wolc, HyLine Int.: Journey of
           an egg
  2:30 PM  Break
  3:00 PM  Jesus Arango, Cobb: The future of genetic improvement in broilers.
  3:30 PM  Carl Schmidt, University of Delaware: Exploring stress with Sue
  4:15 PM  Open reception   – does NOT require registration
  6:30 PM  Dinner and party – requires registration for Monday dinner

If you are interested in participating in this symposium, please register at
the following link before September 22, 2024.


*Please copy the link directly from this email (as opposed to clicking on it
to open and then copying from your browser

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Gateway Hotel, which must be booked
by September 15, 2024. Attendance of the Monday afternoon reception does not
require registration.

If you have any questions, please contact me or one of the other members of
the organizing committee (Mr. Michael Kaiser and Drs. Max Rothschild, Dawn
Koltes, Kaylee Rowland, and Juan Steibel).

With thanks to the Symposium Sponsors: Aviagen, Cobb Vantress, Genus, HyLine,
North Central Poultry Association, Versova, and the ISU Department of Animal
Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the ADVANCE Program.

Regards, Jack

Dr. Jack Dekkers
C.F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor
Department of Animal Science
806 Stange Road, 239D Kildee Hall
Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011
515-294-7509  jdekkersiastate.edu



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