AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tue Oct  8 07:46:07 2024
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From: "Wendy Brand-Williams" <wendy.brand-williamsinrae.fr>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: EuroFAANG workshop : G2P in a dish - A workshop on
        genotype to phenotype research in domestic animals:
        in vitro models and standards, February 3-7, 2024,
        Jouy-en-Josas, France - preregistration exte...
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 07:46:07 -0500
G2P in a dish - A workshop on genotype to phenotype research in domestic
animals: in vitro models and standards

Did you miss out on the pre-registration deadline for in-person participation
in this workshop ?

Pre-registration Deadline Extended!

We are pleased to announce that the pre-registration deadline for the
upcoming workshop has been extended!

New Deadlines:

18th October, 2024 for in-person participation
31st January, 2025 for online participation only

If you are a researcher:

Focused on domesticated animal species, and you are sensible to the 3Rs
(Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) principle on the use of live animals
Trying to decipher the molecular bases (G) of the phenotype(s) (P) that you
investigate in your research project

Using (or willing to learn more about) the available in vitro cellular system
(e.g. cell lines, organoids…) and CRISPR genome editing techniques
Wishing to become part of a large community with the possibility to discuss
of the latest advancements and perspectives

Please make sure to complete your pre-registration before the new deadlines.
Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in person to meet, work and discuss
with globally recognized experts!

Note: Participation is free (you must pay your own travel and accommodation
expenses), but registration is mandatory for both in-person and online

Final deadline to apply for in person participation is October 18!

For more information on how to apply and practical details, please visit the
workshop website: https://g2p-in-a-dish.workshop.inrae.fr/.

You can also see the program at:

We hope to see you there !

The organizing committee

Wendy Brand-Williams, PhD

Spécialiste en communication et médiation scientifique bilingue / Specialist
in bilingual Scientific Communication and Community Science

UMR1313 Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative, GABI

Tél : +33 (0)1 34 65 23 34
Mobile : +33(0)6 09 17 75 17
Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit
Member of the University Paris-Saclay
Founding member of Sciences Animales Paris Saclay
Co-animatrice de la cellule SynPse: Ensembble, Partageons la Science
Co-animatrice de la cellule Communication et Médiation de SAPS



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