AnGenMap Listserv
AnGenMap (ANimal GENe MAPpers)
is an email listserv list with
3,182 members from more than
50 countries or regions in the world.
AnGenMap serves as an internet discussion and information sharing group in the
broad fields of animal genome research. The purpose of the group is to promote
the exchange of information related but not limited to, animal gene mapping,
genetics, genomics, and bioinformaitcs. The mail traffic on the list is moderate,
only about 300 mails per year.
To join discussions
(Subscribers Only)
You have to subscribe to the list in order to send/ receive mails to the group.
Questions, problems, comments, job notices and other items can be sent via email
to the discussion group mailing list address. Responses are then shared with the
group or individually.
All successfully posted mails are automatically archived for search. There are a total of 9,484 archived mails on AnGenMap since 1993.
Subscribe / Unsubscribe:

Login your account on the Animal Genome Research
Community Directory, change the AnGenMap mail list option to "Subscribe to AnGenMap
Login your account on the Animal Genome Research
Community Directory, change the AnGenMap mail list option to "Unsubscribe from
AnGenMap listserv".
This list is for non-profit, educational and research related purposes only.
No commercial advertisement be sent to the list.