ISUBPIDs are copied to be used as PedIDs on 13 animals where BirthDate are missing

13 animals entered into the database prior to 2018 did not have 'birth date' info., therefore failed to form their PedIDs by ways defined in 2024s.

Their ISUBPIDs happen to be in a similar form, and each was verified to be unique in the Pedigree table thus were used copied over as their PedIDs


Script: ~/db/isubeefdb/misc/2024.11.20/delete_mistakes.sql
Executed: Thu Nov 21 18:38:44 CST 2024

Noted by Zhiliang Hu
(Thu Nov 21 18:38:44 CST 2024)
| PedID    | EarTag | BirthDate | ISUBPID  | PreRegID            | Intl_ID             | DamPedID | SirePedID | Dam_ID              | Sire_ID             | Remarks                                                                                                                        |
| 20044308 |        |           | 20044308 | AANUSAF000619487693 | AANUSAF0000ISU04308 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20044126 |        |           | 20044126 | AANUSAF000619487682 | AANUSAF0000ISU04126 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20011299 |        |           | 20011299 | AANUSAF000910128360 | AANUSAF0000ISU01299 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20022269 |        |           | 20022269 | AANUSAF000618349316 | AANUSAF0000ISU02269 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20088741 |        |           | 20088741 |                     | AANUSAM0000ISU08741 | 2004159  | 2004339   | AANUSAF000014947666 | AANUSAM000015005526 | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20088635 |        |           | 20088635 |                     | AANUSAM0000ISU08635 | 1999023  | 2005260   | AANUSAF000013536051 | AANUSAM000015464762 | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20144363 |        |           | 20144363 |                     | AANUSAM0000ISU14363 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20044187 |        |           | 20044187 | AANUSAF000619487687 | AANUSAF0000ISU04187 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20044214 |        |           | 20044214 | AANUSAF000619487691 | AANUSAF0000ISU04214 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20055165 |        |           | 20055165 | AANUSAF000618949736 | AANUSAF0000ISU05165 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20055487 |        |           | 20055487 | AANUSAF000618949759 | AANUSAF0000ISU05487 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20088735 |        |           | 20088735 |                     | AANUSAF0000ISU08735 | 2006147  | 2003016   | AANUSAF000015634331 | AANUSAM000014826407 | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
| 20133242 |        |           | 20133242 | AANUSAF0000ISU13242 | AANUSAF0000ISU13242 |          |           |                     |                     | Angus reference samples (DNA controls) on a 2400 Holsteins Affymetrix sequencing experiment. No other pheno/geno data on them. |
