**************************************************** * NAGRP Livestock Genome Database and Web Site * * http://www.animalgenome.org * * * * U S A G E S T A T I S T I C S * * * **************************************************** Begin: 29/Sep/2024:03:16:18 End : 29/Sep/2024:03:16:15 Summary ________________________________________________________ 28331309 hits were received from 80030 unique internet sites that made requests on 26174919 files, resulting in 1326276 Megabytes of network traffic. Major catagory break-downs ______________________________ 2.155 Mb - ANGENMAP Activities ( 2155383 bytes) 0.813 Mb - Aquaculture Information ( 813330 bytes) 8166.620 Mb - Bioinfo Information ( 8166619721 bytes) 73.379 Mb - Blast server ( 73379159 bytes) 28.803 Mb - Cattle Information ( 28802750 bytes) 11321.519 Mb - Community Activities (11321519349 bytes) 1183.068 Mb - CorrDB ( 1183067841 bytes) 337.047 Mb - Databases and Maps Info ( 337047157 bytes) 1082.338 Mb - Education Materials ( 1082338417 bytes) 9.435 Mb - Expeditor Tool ( 9434567 bytes) 2526.216 Mb - GBrowse ( 2526216003 bytes) 468.719 Mb - Newsletters ( 468719078 bytes) 19.615 Mb - Other Users ( 19614767 bytes) 702.373 Mb - Pig Information ( 702373187 bytes) 19423.855 Mb - QTL Database (19423855385 bytes) 4562.979 Mb - Repository ( 4562979016 bytes) 4097.593 Mb - Resources Sharing ( 4097593103 bytes) 1269.126 Mb - Site Statistics ( 1269126307 bytes) 13.287 Mb - Utility Tools ( 13286645 bytes) 198.829 Mb - VCmap ( 198829004 bytes) _________________________________________________________ I. Web access statistics in time dimension (1) Daily activities, in number of files transmitted (* = 47218) 492835 files on Sep 01 : *********** 571369 files on Sep 02 : ************* 574945 files on Sep 03 : ************* 581012 files on Sep 04 : ************* 613994 files on Sep 05 : ************** 625304 files on Sep 06 : ************** 648269 files on Sep 07 : ************** 645632 files on Sep 08 : ************** 641435 files on Sep 09 : ************** 1140304 files on Sep 10 : ************************* 1092272 files on Sep 11 : ************************ 1054194 files on Sep 12 : *********************** 1153140 files on Sep 13 : ************************* 1096559 files on Sep 14 : ************************ 1086385 files on Sep 15 : ************************ 1114297 files on Sep 16 : ************************ 1116062 files on Sep 17 : ************************ 1134423 files on Sep 18 : ************************* 1126975 files on Sep 19 : ************************ 1100341 files on Sep 20 : ************************ 1249059 files on Sep 21 : *************************** 1245764 files on Sep 22 : *************************** 1233725 files on Sep 23 : *************************** 1215103 files on Sep 24 : ************************** 1134096 files on Sep 25 : ************************* 1095455 files on Sep 26 : ************************ 778315 files on Sep 27 : ***************** 571045 files on Sep 28 : ************* 1072885 files on Sep 29 : *********************** 1126115 files on Sep 30 : ************************ (2) 24-hour cycle, in terms of network loads (kilobytes) (* = 4605) 53390 Mb downloaded during 00:00-00:59 : ************ 53733 Mb downloaded during 01:00-01:59 : ************ 53261 Mb downloaded during 02:00-02:59 : ************ 52985 Mb downloaded during 03:00-03:59 : ************ 53212 Mb downloaded during 04:00-04:59 : ************ 52558 Mb downloaded during 05:00-05:59 : ************ 52651 Mb downloaded during 06:00-06:59 : ************ 56626 Mb downloaded during 07:00-07:59 : ************* 54783 Mb downloaded during 08:00-08:59 : ************ 55806 Mb downloaded during 09:00-09:59 : ************* 55508 Mb downloaded during 10:00-10:59 : ************* 55454 Mb downloaded during 11:00-11:59 : ************* 53687 Mb downloaded during 12:00-12:59 : ************ 54192 Mb downloaded during 13:00-13:59 : ************ 55418 Mb downloaded during 14:00-14:59 : ************* 58128 Mb downloaded during 15:00-15:59 : ************* 58335 Mb downloaded during 16:00-16:59 : ************* 57534 Mb downloaded during 17:00-17:59 : ************* 55067 Mb downloaded during 18:00-18:59 : ************ 56321 Mb downloaded during 19:00-19:59 : ************* 57564 Mb downloaded during 20:00-20:59 : ************* 56871 Mb downloaded during 21:00-21:59 : ************* 56825 Mb downloaded during 22:00-22:59 : ************* 56356 Mb downloaded during 23:00-23:59 : ************* II. User Statistics (1) Top 20 sites, in number of files transmitted. 832182 618513 ec2-52-40-18-77.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com 517300 515826 512353 502429 493817 489991 485369 484365 480887 475362 466840 457974 438329 416486 408963 398820 379444 376193 (2) Top 10 domains, in number of files downloaded: 12449925 net 1709404 com 1345625 1 548606 amazon 519177 7 517040 3 503896 2 495043 5 491050 8 486471 6 III. Files access statistics (1) Top 30 most accessed directories 832198 * 85765 / 41395 /edu/blue_genes/ 25394 /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db/ 20652 /community/epigroup/mail/view.php?f=db%2F05 14571 /QTLdb/references/ 14197 /pig/newsletter/ 12540 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/carthagene/ 10935 /helpdesk/?f=db/ 10254 /default/ 9002 /share/js/dynamic_slides/ 8660 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ 8546 /edu/PIH/ 6716 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml3/htmlhelp/asreml/ 6561 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture2/ 5942 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture1/ 5837 /cattle/maps/COMRAD/ 5783 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture3/ 5590 /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml2/htmlhelp/asreml/ 5395 /bioinfo/updates/ 5207 /pig/newsletter/txt/ 5130 /edu/MAS/Dekkers/PAGVII/ 4888 /share/js/ 4410 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/ 4365 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture6/ 4125 /pig/resources/ 3918 /edu/doe/ 3838 /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture4/ 3721 /share/popuptxt/ 3550 /cattle/maps/RHMap3/ (2) Top 30 Most frequently transmitted files 832198 * 45049 / 23162 /robots.txt 20652 /community/epigroup/mail/view.php?f=db%2F05 19052 /edu/blue_genes/sexlim.html 13172 /favicon.ico 5564 /default/style.css 4702 /share/js/showhide.js 4469 /edu/blue_genes/pedigree.gif 4410 /cgi-bin/QTLdb/index 3721 /share/popuptxt/wz_tooltip.js 3294 /default/style2.css 1953 /share/js/dynamic_slides/script.js 1949 /share/js/dynamic_slides/wowslider.js 1945 /community/mail/latest 1852 /share/js/dynamic_slides/jquery.js 1848 /share/js/dynamic_slides/a.js 1605 /cgi-bin/angenmap/angendir 1475 /NRSP8/join 1428 /community/bbs/ 1401 /RCN/ 1387 /share/js/dynamic_slides/style.css 1385 /community/angenmap/URLEncoding.html 1347 /NRSP8/ 1333 /community/angenmap/mail/latest/ 1263 /cgi-bin/CorrDB/index 1257 /share/html/animanual.html 1189 /community/ 1149 /bioinfo/ 1122 /edu/blue_genes/meiosis.gif (3) Top 30 Files in terms of network traffic generated (Megabytes) 12203 /anexdb..ipa_v1.fa 2798 /catfish..1043ZL0008_2.fastq.gz 2709 /repository..UMC_marker_names_180910.zip 2518 /catfish..1043ZL0008_1.fastq.gz 2011 /anexdb..ipa_Annotation_v1.txt 1588 /repository..ARS-UCD.1.2.fa.gz 981 /catfish..1043ZL08.454.sff.gz 893 /community..ROSS-PAG-2019.pdf 843 /anexdb..Affy_Porcine_Annotation-NX_v1.xls 634 / 442 /QTLdb..cattle_QTLdata.txt 441 /log..2023_visitip.txt 427 /community..Bovine_FAANG_Workshop_2024.pdf 396 /community..PAG2019-FAANG-SwineFAANG.pdf 340 /community..Flicek.pptx 337 /bioinfo..UserGuideFunctional.pdf 332 /community..ISAG_Djebali_talk.pdf 325 /bioinfo..guidelines.pdf 311 /community..PAG2023EquineFAANGUpdateTSK.pdf 302 /lunney..26159815.pdf 301 /QTLdb..2023PAG.pdf 291 /bioinfo..biomar_rc6_doc.pdf 285 /QTLdb..2020PAG.pdf 282 /community..PAG_2024_BovReg.pdf 278 /bioinfo..user_manual.pdf 259 /QTLdb..2018WCGALP.pdf 246 /community..Tuggle-USPigFAANG.pdf 241 /community..Tuggle-FAANG-2024.pdf 238 /log..2024_visitip.txt 237 /community..Giuffra_SAPS.pdf [End of Report] -- Perl program (v.0.501 Aug 26, 2013) by Zhiliang Hu