**************************************************** * NAGRP Livestock Genome Database and Web Site * * http://www.animalgenome.org * * * * U S A G E S T A T I S T I C S * * * **************************************************** Begin: 01/Jan/2025 02:15:39 End : 31/Jan/2025 05:59:59 Summary ________________________________________________________ 6397183 hits were received from 472653 unique internet sites that made requests on 4179851 files, resulting in 120272 Megabytes of network traffic. Major catagory break-downs _______________________________ 3.577 Mb - ANGENMAP Activities ( 3576783 bytes) 0.719 Mb - Aquaculture Information ( 718528 bytes) 8722.501 Mb - Bioinfo Information ( 8722501285 bytes) 17.686 Mb - Blast server ( 17685886 bytes) 36.806 Mb - Cattle Information ( 36806026 bytes) 40291.806 Mb - Community Activities ( 40291806029 bytes) 1872.594 Mb - CorrDB ( 1872594197 bytes) 240.292 Mb - Databases and Maps Info ( 240291660 bytes) 1057.773 Mb - Education Materials ( 1057772597 bytes) 7.896 Mb - Expeditor Tool ( 7896300 bytes) 2842.270 Mb - GBrowse ( 2842269572 bytes) 429.240 Mb - Newsletters ( 429239519 bytes) 0.091 Mb - Other Users ( 91124 bytes) 727.109 Mb - Pig Information ( 727108940 bytes) 22232.589 Mb - QTL Database ( 22232589132 bytes) 698.042 Mb - Repository ( 698042485 bytes) 3874.198 Mb - Resources Sharing ( 3874197840 bytes) 1116.872 Mb - Site Statistics ( 1116872479 bytes) 8.610 Mb - Utility Tools ( 8609912 bytes) 187.065 Mb - VCmap ( 187065206 bytes) __________________________________________________________ I. Web access statistics in time dimension (1) Monthly activities, in number of files transmitted (* = 182776) 6397183 files in Jan : ************************************ (2) 24-hour cycle, in terms of network loads (kilobytes) (* = 263) 7013 kb downloaded during 00:00-00:59 : *************************** 6302 kb downloaded during 01:00-01:59 : ************************ 5831 kb downloaded during 02:00-02:59 : *********************** 7001 kb downloaded during 03:00-03:59 : *************************** 5083 kb downloaded during 04:00-04:59 : ******************** 4120 kb downloaded during 05:00-05:59 : **************** 5191 kb downloaded during 06:00-06:59 : ******************** 3409 kb downloaded during 07:00-07:59 : ************* 4762 kb downloaded during 08:00-08:59 : ******************* 5764 kb downloaded during 09:00-09:59 : ********************** 4088 kb downloaded during 10:00-10:59 : **************** 3464 kb downloaded during 11:00-11:59 : ************** 3442 kb downloaded during 12:00-12:59 : ************** 3553 kb downloaded during 13:00-13:59 : ************** 4143 kb downloaded during 14:00-14:59 : **************** 5843 kb downloaded during 15:00-15:59 : *********************** 5000 kb downloaded during 16:00-16:59 : ******************** 3750 kb downloaded during 17:00-17:59 : *************** 5010 kb downloaded during 18:00-18:59 : ******************** 4105 kb downloaded during 19:00-19:59 : **************** 5006 kb downloaded during 20:00-20:59 : ******************** 6017 kb downloaded during 21:00-21:59 : *********************** 6371 kb downloaded during 22:00-22:59 : ************************* 5991 kb downloaded during 23:00-23:59 : *********************** II. User Statistics (1) Top 20 sites, in number of files transmitted. 535310 requests from 531763 requests from 339506 requests from 315881 requests from 184323 requests from 108640 requests from 82020 requests from 78705 requests from 65377 requests from 61239 requests from 60140 requests from 50907 requests from 48827 requests from 48059 requests from 47883 requests from 44679 requests from 44518 requests from 44277 requests from 42952 requests from 42912 requests from (2) Top 10 domains, in number of files downloaded: 1088508 hits from domain com 537783 hits from domain 138 534188 hits from domain 127 370763 hits from domain 1 357064 hits from domain amazon 110950 hits from domain 86 110445 hits from domain net 105061 hits from domain 12 95006 hits from domain 14 94483 hits from domain 5 III. Files access statistics (1) Top 30 most accessed directories 315894 accesses to folder * 70526 accesses to folder / 21904 accesses to folder /edu/blue_genes/ 19743 accesses to folder /QTLdb/references/ 15311 accesses to folder /community/angenmap/mail/view.php?f=db/ 11737 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/ 10293 accesses to folder /helpdesk/?f=db/ 10183 accesses to folder /share/js/dynamic_slides/ 9974 accesses to folder /default/ 9868 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/carthagene/ 8213 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ 7847 accesses to folder /edu/PIH/ 7197 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture2/ 6785 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml3/htmlhelp/asreml/ 6452 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture1/ 5818 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture3/ 5692 accesses to folder /bioinfo/resources/manuals/ASReml2/htmlhelp/asreml/ 5288 accesses to folder /edu/MAS/Dekkers/PAGVII/ 5137 accesses to folder /pig/newsletter/txt/ 4758 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture6/ 4722 accesses to folder /cattle/maps/COMRAD/ 4538 accesses to folder /bioinfo/updates/ 4437 accesses to folder /share/js/ 4034 accesses to folder /share/popuptxt/ 3956 accesses to folder /community/mail/view.php?f=db/ 3761 accesses to folder /edu/QTL/rothschild/lecture4/ 3705 accesses to folder /tools/SNPnmids/ 3676 accesses to folder /bioinfo/services/helpdesk/ 3609 accesses to folder /edu/doe/ 3286 accesses to folder /pig/resources/ (2) Top 30 Most frequently transmitted files 315894 hits due to * 31300 hits due to /robots.txt 26630 hits due to / 10404 hits due to /favicon.ico 5445 hits due to /default/style.css 5027 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/sexlim.html 4304 hits due to /share/js/showhide.js 4034 hits due to /share/popuptxt/wz_tooltip.js 3705 hits due to /tools/SNPnmids/ 3527 hits due to /bioinfo/services/helpdesk/ 3334 hits due to /default/style2.css 2990 hits due to /cgi-bin/QTLdb/index 2219 hits due to /share/js/dynamic_slides/a.js 2201 hits due to /share/js/dynamic_slides/wowslider.js 2201 hits due to /share/js/dynamic_slides/jquery.js 2195 hits due to /share/js/dynamic_slides/script.js 1695 hits due to /community/angenmap/URLEncoding.html 1500 hits due to /cgi-bin/angenmap/angendir 1425 hits due to /share/html/animanual.html 1358 hits due to /share/js/dynamic_slides/style.css 1327 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/punnet.gif 1289 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/meiosis.gif 1236 hits due to /bioinfo/ 1231 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/gametes.html 1171 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/pedigree.gif 1145 hits due to /NRSP8/join 1122 hits due to /community/angenmap/mail/latest/ 1055 hits due to /edu/blue_genes/mit.gif 1031 hits due to /cgi-bin/CorrDB/index 1001 hits due to /angenpost/ (3) Top 30 Files in terms of network traffic generated (kilobytes) 10548 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_v1.fa 1786 bytes due to /community..ROSS-PAG-2019.pdf 1328 bytes due to /anexdb..ipa_Annotation_v1.txt 1164 bytes due to /anexdb..Affy_Porcine_Annotation-NX_v1.xls 932 bytes due to /catfish..1043ZL0008_2.fastq.gz 677 bytes due to /repository..UMC_marker_names_180910.zip 653 bytes due to /community..Flicek.pptx 544 bytes due to /share..openingvideo.mp4 499 bytes due to /community..PAG2023EquineFAANGUpdateTSK.pdf 490 bytes due to /community..PAG_2024_BovReg.pdf 461 bytes due to /NRSP8..2024_NRSP8_Report_by_James_Koltes.pdf 455 bytes due to /community..PAG2019-FAANG-SwineFAANG.pdf 388 bytes due to /bioinfo..guidelines.pdf 387 bytes due to /community..ISAG2019-Tuggle-FAANG-intro.pdf 387 bytes due to /QTLdb..2018WCGALP.pdf 380 bytes due to /bioinfo..biomar_rc6_doc.pdf 378 bytes due to / 360 bytes due to /community..ISAG_Djebali_talk.pdf 356 bytes due to /bioinfo..UserGuideFunctional.pdf 355 bytes due to /community..FAANG_Way_Forward.pptx 347 bytes due to /community..Canovas_Canadian2019update.pdf 346 bytes due to /community..Finno_Equine.pdf 336 bytes due to /community..Tuggle-USPigFAANG.pdf 336 bytes due to /community..Bovine_FAANG_Workshop_2024.pdf 321 bytes due to /community..Giuffra_SAPS.pdf 319 bytes due to /community..PAG_FAANG_DCC_harrison_2019.pptx 313 bytes due to /QTLdb..2023PAG.pdf 308 bytes due to /lunney..26159815.pdf 296 bytes due to /community..HZAU_CAO_ZHAO.pdf 290 bytes due to /QTLdb..2020PAG.pdf -- [End of Report]