ATO-COB Project Mail Archives


From: Zhiliang Hu <>
Date: Wed May 31 2006 - 16:03:50 CDT

Jie and Peter,

I added following feature requests to your tracking site. I copy them
below for reference of everyone:

The main utility of the ATO Editor is to edit "relationships". At the meantime
the Users wish to annotate the terms as well. Would it be possible that the
Terms "descriptions", "definitions", "Units", etc. be given a larger editing
window? I think this is a practically feature users want and it does not
involve much "ontology" works, but definitely adds value to it.

To open up channels for the ATO project to be portable to the community,
one would wish to easily download the ontology works for their own sake.
A utility may be very useful to export the current ontology into
(1) Flat files in the format of hierarchy; (2) SQL-ready format for database

Please let me know if we need a talk. Thanks,

Received on Wed May 31 16:03:37 2006

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