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Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes (FAANG) Project
— A coordinated international action to accelerate Genome to Phenome

Working Groups

To join a working group, please sign up FAANG for a membership and
proceed from there.
The FAANG project will establish an infrastructure capable of efficiently analyzing genome-wide functional data for animal species. Such large-scale analyses will contribute to our understanding of how variation in gene sequences and functional components determine phenotypic diversity. This understanding will inform the development and exploitation of improved models for predicting complex phenotypes from sequence information.

FAANG project members agree to these core principles:
  • Working with the FAANG community to define experimental, meta data, and bioinformatics standards
  • Ensure the experiments you conduct to produce functional annotation of your genomes of interest adhere to these standards.
  • Consent to the "FAANG Data Sharing Statement" which included both the "Toronto Statement" about pre-publication data sharing and the "Fort Lauderdale principles" about the release of data and materials prior to publication.
—— Excerpts from the FAANG Project Descriptions
© 2014-2025 FAANG Consortium Contact: faang@iastate.edu