ANimal GENe MAPpers Discussion Group

Introductory User Guide

Promote the exchange of information relating to topics of interest to researchers in the areas related but not limited to, animal genome mapping, genetics, genomics, and bioinformaitcs.
The AnGenMap is operated on Smartlist, a listserv daemon that automates the most operations, including automated handling of subscription and unsubscriptions, verification of sender's email address, etc. The listserv archives all posted mails on AnGenMap website, and are available for web search or browse.
In principal we enforce no rules for an open discussion forum. However with the development of internet and growth of the AnGenMap group, we implemented a few technical regulative measures for better operations. (1) Only subscribed users can post (2) The subjects are centered on scientific/research related topics only
Users can open an account on the AnGenMap Directory, and manage subscription/unsubscription via his/her profile.
The way this group will operate is, if you have a question or comment, send a message to the list address. The message will be broadcast to everyone on the mailing list once approved by the list moderator. There is no censoring - we intend to make the list a free open forum. When you receive a message and you want to contribute to the discussion, you can reply and it will broadcast to the group as well. Or, you can send a message to the originator if you think the group won't want to see what you have to say. But please don't be afraid to reply with a broadcast, even if you think what you have to say might not be interesting to everyone. The AnGenMap list requires that all mail posts must be in plain text only (see this guide for why this is necessary and how to). In addition, these useful hints on how to write good emails may be helpful since your mail is to be sent to over thousands members: (1) Good email conduct; (2) Mailing List Manner; (3) Effective Mailing List Email; (4) Good email style.
Anyone with an interest in animal gene/trait mapping or molecular genetics, structural and functional genomics, and bioinformaitcs. You can participate either actively or passively.
A discussion group like this has many good uses. Generally, good discussion can be started by statements like... "Has anyone out there ever tried...?" "What's the best technique for...?" "What did [substitute any name here] mean when he/she said... ... in his [talk, paper, message, etc.]...?" "We have the following position available.." "We are planning a meeting about... Does anyone have any comments? etc., etc... There are a few good sample discussions in the past few years that worth taking a look at.
There's a strange feature about e-mail messages. Sometimes, things you say in jest or sarcasm can be taken wrong. A neat convention used on the internet is to put a smily ":-)" at the end of a sentence to indicate a smile when you use humor or sarcasm.
AnGenMap was started in late 1993 as an internet discussion group within the U.S. Pig Genome community for gene mappers and interested individuals. As the animal genomics research quickly expanded in the following years, the listserv soon became a defacto discussion group among all animal genomics scientists (on cattle, chicken, goats, horse, pigs, sheep, and aquaculture species) world wide. The list name AnGenMap was originally designated for "ANimal GENe MAPpers". In over three decades of its developments, animal genome research has evolved much beyond the original goal of gene "mapping". The AnGenMap came along to have effectively served the international community of livestock animal genomics/genetics research as a public communication and information sharing channel. The list started with less than a hundred people and now it has more than three thousands subscribers from over 60 countries/regions following a steady growth, during which quite a number of list function developments and improvements were also made.

Original draft: October, 1993 (Max F Rothschild).
Revisions: January, 1998; March, 2004; January, 2007; October, 2009; July, 2015; September, 2017; August, 2019; May, 2024 (Zhiliang Hu)



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